River to River Newsletter

What is River to River CWMA?

The River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) is a partnership between 13 federal and state agencies, organizations, and universities aimed at coordinating efforts and programs for addressing the threat of invasive plants in Southern Illinois. The CWMA was formally established in 2006 (view our MOU) and addresses both terrestrial and aquatic invasive plant species through collaborative projects and activities focused in the following areas:

  • Education / Public Awareness
  • Early Detection and Rapid Response
  • Prevention
  • Control and Management
  • Research

The CWMA is grant funded and projects-based. Our goal is to cooperatively address the short and long-term effects of non-native invasive plants across jurisdictional boundaries within the 11 southern counties of Illinois.

Thank you for your support!

The River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area would like to acknowledge the following funding sources:

  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Pulling Together Initiative
  • Boat U.S. Foundation
  • USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection Program
  • National Forest Foundation
  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources Habitat Fund grant programs

Help Protect Wildlife Habitat by Reducing the Spread of Exotic Invasive Species


Illinois Department of Agriculture Illinois Department of Transportation Shawnee Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc. Illinois Department of Natural Resources USDA NRCS The Nature Conservancy - Illinois U.S. Forestry Service USDA APHIS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southern Illinois University at Carbondale University of Illinois Extension